LF-0010 TBQ Total Radiation Sensor

PHTBQ total radiation sensor uses pyroelectric sensor principle, used in conjunction with various radiation the total solar radiation, the reflected radiation, scattered radiation, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, long wave radiation. Core inductive element of the sensor, using winding plating multi-contact thermopile, its surface is coated with the black coating of the high absorption rate. The hot junction is located in the body, hot and cold contacts to generate thermoelectric power. Within the linear range, in proportion to the output signal and solar irradiance. The double glass is in order to reduce the impact of the air convection radiation table, the inner cover is set in order to cut off the infrared radiation of the nacelle itself.

Products Details


This sensor is used to measure the spectral range of 0.3-3μm, solar radiation, can also be used to measure the incident solar radiation to the slant of the reflected radiation can be measured, such as the induction downwardly facing, light shielding ring measurable scattered radiation. Therefore, it can be widely applied to the use of solar energy, meteorology, agriculture, building materials, aging and atmospheric pollution and other departments to do the measurement of solar radiation energy.

Overall structure

Installation and use

The sensor should be installed in the space, around the place above the sensing surface without any obstacles. Then the radiation table cable plug is on the north, adjust level position, firmly fixed, then the total radiation sensor output cable acquisition equipment connected to observation. The best cable is securely fixed to the mounting bracket to reduce the fracture or interruptions occur intermittently windy days. Wiring instructions
Sensor name Wiring color Output Description Corresponding plug pins
TBQ Total radiation sensor Red line Positive signal output Foot 1 of the four-pin plug
Black line Negative signal output Foot 2 of the four-pin plug

RS485 (with address) communication protocol   

1. Serial format 8 data bits 1 stop bit Parity None Baud rate 9600 two communication interval of at least 1000ms 2. The communication format [1] Is written to the device address Send: 00 10 00 AA (16 hexadecimal data) Description: 00 - Broadcast address (must be 0); 10 - Write operation (fixed); 00 - Address command (fixed); AA -Write the new address (only,1-255) Returns: OK (OK return success) [2] To read the device address Sent: 000,300 (hexadecimal data) Description: 00 - Broadcast address (must be 0); 03 - Read operation (fixed);  00 - Address command (fixed) Returns: Address = XXX (ASCII code data, such as Address = 001, Address = 123, etc.) Description: Address - address instructions; XXX - Address data, less than three integers, preceded by 0; [1] Which units followed with a carriage return wrap data, two-byte hexadecimal data 0x0D 0x0A; [2] The above description ignores transition spaces and '=' character. [3] Read real-time data Send: AA 03 0F (16 decimal data) Description: AA - Device address (only 1-255); 03 - Read operation (fixed); 0F - Data address (fixed) Returns: The TBQ = XXXX W/m2 (ASCII code data, such as TBQ = 0400 W/m2 TBQ = 1000 W/m2 etc.) Description: TBQ - TBQ total convergence of f our integers, preceded by 0; W/m2 - units [1] Which units followed with a carriage return wrap data, two-byte hexadecimal data 0x0D 0x0A. [2] The above description ignores transition spaces and '=' character.

Instructions for use

The sensor wires in the wiring method according to the instructions in the, and then placed in the position for the measurement of radiation, turn on the power and collection instrument switch, you can get the radiation value of the measurement points.


1. Please check the packaging is intact, and check whether the product model is consistent with the selection. 2. Do not live wiring, the wiring is complete check correct before electricity. 3. Do not tamper with the product factory welded components or wires. 4. The sensor is a precision device, use Do not disassemble, contact with the sensor surface with sharp objects or corrosive liquid, so as to avoid damage to the product. 5. Save the certificate and certificate maintenance together with product return.


1. When analog output, showing values ​​significantly larger / smaller. Check the pass dirt or debris on the sensor sensing port; if so, with a dry net cloth to wipe away. 2. When analog output the display instrument represents a value of 0 or is not in range to within. May be due to wiring problems lead to acquisition instrument is unable to obtain the correct letter, please check the wiring is correct, firmly. 3. If the above reasons, please contact the manufacturer.

Transmitter Dimensions

Product maintenance

1. It is not allowed to demolition or loose filter mask, so as not to affect the measurement accuracy. Open or covered with a metal cover especially careful, because the filter mask precious and fragile. Filter mask to maintain smooth, often with a soft cloth or fur smear. 2. Filter mask should not has water, nor should be water vapor condensation hood. Desiccant desiccator should always check whether to change the tide (from blue to red or white), otherwise it must be promptly replaced or desiccant will get the oven to dry so that it changed back to blue again. 3. TBQ total radiation sensor waterproof performance is good, generally a short period of time or smaller precipitation cannot stamped. But the rainfall heavy rains (snow, ice, etc.) or a longer time, for the protection of the radiation table, observers is necessary, according to the specific circumstances of the best stamped, the rain stopped as soon as the cover is open. 4. TBQ total radiation sensor use for more than two years, re-calibration of its sensitivity by the manufacturer or metering department.

Technique Parameter

Sensitivity 7~14μV/w.m-2
Spectral range 0.3-3μm
Measuring range 0 ~ 2000W/m2
Power supply DC 5V 
DC 12V 
DC 24V 
Output in the form Pulse: Pulse signal
Current: 4~20mA  
Voltage: 0~2.5V 
Voltage: 1~5V    
Voltage: 0 ~ 20mV
Instrument Line length Standard: 2.5m
Response time ≤ 35 seconds (99%)
Internal resistance approximately 350Ω
Stability ≤ ± 2%
Cosine response ≤7% (solar elevation angle of 10 °)
Azimuth response error ≤5% (solar elevation angle of 10 °)
Temperature characteristics ±2% (-10 ℃ to +40 ℃)
Working ambient temperature -40 ° C ~ +50 ° C
Non-linear ≤ 2%
Weight 2.5kg

Service commitment

TBQ total radiation sensor from the factory on the date one year due to the non-human factors causing quality problems, the production unit is responsible for free repair or replacement. If the user man-made damage, will be charged the cost of fees, but does not charge maintenance fees. In addition, I solemnly promised to be responsible for products manufactured lifelong maintenance.

Selection Table


Power supply




LF-0010 -



TBQ total radiation sensor





5VPower supply



12VPower supply



24VPower supply



No power
















E.g.: LF-0010-12V-A: TBQ total radiation sensor 12V power supply, 4-20mA current signal output

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